About (Not Aboot!)

The Limerick Lake web site first came about back in the late summer of 1999.  It would continue to move to new locations and gradually expand and become better over time.  Not counting my current home for the web site, the Limerick Lake web site has had 3 previous homes prior to this one.  Originally my main intention of creating the web site was just for posting up some pictures along with some video clips.  However over time, I have gained much newer and better technology as well as meeting some great new people with some great new ideas.  Now, my purpose of the web site is to provide and preserve past memories of the Lake as well as present ones.  Now, you will find pictures from the past which I have scanned up to the new digital photos.  I will also continue to update the person of the month, monthly.  I decided to create the person of the month section to help keep my site fresh and updated frequently as well as just writing a biography on the people I care about and love so much.  Without them, this site would not be possible!  It also gives me a chance to express my feelings and emotions as well as telling stories from my viewpoint on that person that I wouldn't probably be able to express in public.  I hope that the web site continues to grow and expand over time.  I thank everyone so much for allowing me to create this web site and express myself.  Once again, Thank You and enjoy your stay here at Chad's Limerick Lake site! :-)